Only in retrospect does one realise how far-sighted a number of Old Greys were when they decided to form the Vereeniging van Oud Leerlingen van de Grey College on 10th May, 1884.
Regter M.T. Steyn
The Grey College Reunie is proud of their involvement in the following projects:
- The Reunie has various financial support systems to help scholars and Old Boys who are in need;
- The legendary Reunie Hall was erected in July 1929 through financial support of loyal Old Greys;
- The chairs in the Reunie Hall and the staff room were donated by loyal Old Greys;
- Die Galery in die Reuniesaal wat in 2002 opgerig is, was betaal deur lojale Oud Greys;
- The extensions of the Grey Museum and Grey Reunie Offices were funded by the Reunie;
- The Founder’s Day activities in October are entirely hosted by the Reunie with an average of ± 600 Old Greys at the annual Dinner and more than 200 golfers;
- The Johan Volsteedt Cricket Oval Pavilion was financed primarily by the Reunie;
Die opgegradeerde terreine langs Stabilislaan en voor die museum is gefinansier deur die Reunie; - Bydraes tot die Jock Meiring en Bram Fischer Trusts is grotendeels Oud Greys wat steeds hulle Alma Mater ondersteun;
- The Reunie is actively involved with the members of 26 national branches and 3 international branches, run by Old Greys themselves;
- Die nuwe gedenkmuur in die Fischertuin is gefinansier en opgerig deur die Reunie.