Only in retrospect does one realise how far-sighted a number of Old Greys were when they decided to form the Vereeniging van Oud Leerlingen van de Grey College on 10th May, 1884. – Regter M T Steyn
The Grey College Reunie is proud of their involvement in the following projects:
- The Reunie has various financial support systems to help scholars and Old Boys who are in need;
- The legendary Reunie Hall was erected in July 1929 through financial support of loyal Old Greys:
- The chairs in the Reunie Hall and the staff room were donated by loyal Old Greys;
- Die galery in die Reuniesaal wat in 2002 opgerig is, was betaal deur Oud Greys;
- The extension of the Grey Museum was funded by the Reunie;
- The Founder’s Day activities in October [of every year] are entirely hosted by the Reunie where we host an average of 600 Old Greys at the annual Dinner and more than 200 golfers;
- The Johan Volsteedt Cricket Oval Pavilion was financed primarily by the Reunie;
- Die opgegradeerde terreine langs Stabilislaan en voor die museum is gefinansier deur die Reünie;
- Bydraes tot die Jock Meiring en Bram Fischer Trusts is grotendeels Oud Greys wat steeds hulle Alma Mater ondersteun;
- The Reunie is actively involved with the members of 26 national branches and 3 international branches, run by Old Greys themselves;
- Die nuwe gedenkmuur in die Fischertuin is gefinansier en opgerig deur die Reünie.